ShareGate by Workleap – Data Processing Addendum

Where applicable, this Data Processing Addendum is hereby incorporated in the ShareGate by Workleap End User License, Maintenance and Support Agreement (the “EULA”), unless Customer has entered into a superseding written agreement with Workleap, in which case, it forms a part of such written agreement. Unless Customer has a superseding written agreement with Workleap, Workleap may amend this Data Processing Addendum from time to time on its Website, as its business evolves. Any revisions will become effective on the date Workleap publishes the changes. Customer can review the most current version of the Data Processing Addendum at any time by visiting this page. If Customer uses ShareGate and/or the Services after the effective date of any changes, that use will constitute acceptance of the revised Data Processing Addendum.

Last update: 2024/09/13 

1. Definitions and Interpretation

1.1 All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the EULA.

1.2 The following capitalized terms shall have the meaning ascribed to them below:

1.3 The term “including” is not limiting and means “including, without limitation”.

2. Protection of Personal Information

2.1. Supersedence. This Data Processing Addendum shall supersede any and all provisions of the EULA inconsistent herewith. 

2.2. Data Controller and Data Processor. The Parties acknowledge that with regards to the processing of Customer Personal Information, the Customer is the Data Controller and Workleap is the Data Processor of the Customer Personal Information. Workleap will Process Customer Personal Information in accordance with Schedule 1 to this Data Processing Addendum. With regards to Account Information, Customer is a Data Controller and Workleap is an independent Data Controller (and not a joint Data Controller with Customer). Workleap will process Account Information for the limited purposes of (i) managing the customer relationship, (ii) carrying out Workleap’s core business operations, (iii) implementing security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access, fraud or abuse of ShareGate and/or the Services, (iv) complying with Workleap’s legal obligations, and (v) fulfilling any other lawful purpose authorised under Privacy Laws, this Data Processing Addendum or the EULA. 

2.3. Customer’s Obligations as Data Controller. The Customer warrants that the Customer Personal Information has been obtained fairly and lawfully and, in all respects in compliance with the Privacy Laws.

2.4. Workleap’s Obligations as Data Processor. Workleap shall:  

Schedule 1: Description of the Processing of Customer Personal Information

Workleap will Process Customer Personal Information in accordance with the description below

1) Categories of Data Subjects whose Personal Information is Processed

All Users, as defined under the EULA and applicable Product-Specific Terms.

2) Categories of Personal Information Processed

Workleap Processes several categories of Customer Personal Information, such as:

3) Sensitive Personal Information Processed

Workleap does not intentionally process Sensitive Personal Information through ShareGate and/or the Services. Any collection or processing of Sensitive Personal Information by Workleap is incidental and outside of Workleap’s control.

4) Frequency of the Processing and Transfer

The Processing and Transfer of Customer Personal Information is continuous.

5) Nature of the Processing

Workleap processes Customer Personal Information in the course of providing ShareGate and/or the Services, as described in the EULA and in ancillary documentation further describing the nature and functionality of ShareGate and/or the Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Processing may entail handling, accessing, viewing, storing, transmitting, and otherwise making available the Customer Personal Information, including by automated means.

6) Purposes of the Processing and Further Processing

Workleap processes the Customer Personal Information in accordance with Customer’s documented lawful instructions, which shall be deemed to include any processing activities necessary to:

Workleap also processes Customer Personal Information to comply with its legal obligations.

7) Retention Period

Customer Personal Information is retained and processed only as long as necessary for the purposes described in paragraph 6 above, in accordance with Section 10 of Workleap’s Privacy Policy.

8) Transfers to Sub-Processors

Workleap may transfer Customer Personal Information to its Sub-Processors (listed under Schedule 2 hereto) in accordance with Section 2.4 (Workleap’s Obligations as Data Processor) or otherwise as permitted under the EULA.

SCHEDULE 2: ShareGate Sub-processors

An up-to-date list of Workleap Sub-Processors may be found on the ShareGate Sub-processors page.

SCHEDULE 3: General Description of the Technical and Organizational Security Measures in Place

All capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the EULA.

Workleap has implemented and maintains the following technical and organizational security measures:

1. Measures of pseudonymization and encryption of personal data
It is Workleap’s policy to pseudonymize Customer Personal Information whenever possible.
The data is encrypted in transit with HTTP over TLS. Certificates are 2048 bits and private keys are stored in a specific secret vault. Weak cyphers are disabled.
The data is also encrypted at rest by Workleap and the Sub-processors.

Encryption keys are managed with limited number of employees and secured in a vault with regular rotations.
2. Measures for ensuring ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services
Workleap has measures in place to ensure that no person is allowed to access Customer Personal Information without authorization. Such measures include, without limitation:

– Workleap manages accesses to Customer Personal Information based on the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model on a need to access basis and least privileged basis. – – In order to perform technical investigations, Workleap’s customer success agents and developers may request Customer’s consent to access Customer Personal Information for investigative purposes only.
– Workleap has a secure authentication process in place.
– All Workleap employees are subject to a criminal background check to ensure that they are not guilty of a job-related offense.
– Workleap’s internal database is located at a Microsoft Azure datacenter. Microsoft Inc. conforms to global security standards such as ISO 27001, FedRAMP, SOC 1 and SOC 2.
– Workleap has measures in place to control physical security at its office (including security guard at building entrance, alarm system, visitor registration).
– All Workleap employees and Sub-processors have signed a non-disclosure agreement.
– The data is encrypted in transit with HTTP over SSL. Certificates are 2048 bits and private keys are stored in a specific secret vault. Weak cyphers are disabled. The data is also encrypted at rest. Encryption keys are managed with limited number of employees and secured in a vault with regular rotations.
– Regular updates concerning current security attacks are sent to Workleap’s employees to raise awareness.
– Workleap employees undergo mandatory annual data privacy training.

Workleap has BCP and DRP documentation. Tabletop testing is done at least once a year.

Workleap has measures in place to ensure that the data integrity is maintained. Such measures include, without limitation:

The right to modify or delete any customer data (which includes Customer Personal Information) is restricted to a limited group of people on a need basis.
– Employees in the customer success team and in the technical support team are granted the right to modify and delete customer data in Workleap’s database.  Any modification or deletion by such employees is catalogued in an audit log. Workleap reviews accesses every two months and every time a team changes.
– A group of four key employees have unlimited access to Workleap’s database.
– A policy restricting possible modifications and deletions within Workleap’s database is in place.

Workleap maintains backups of its database in accordance with its retention policy.


Workleap has measures in place to ensure that Customer Personal Information is available and is used properly in the intended Process. Such measures include, without limitation:

– Workleap maintains backups of its database in accordance with its retention policy.
– Workleap has implemented Azure security center to prevent malware in the hosting environment and a centralized antimalware solution to prevent malware in the office with periodic full scans and firewall integration.
– Workleap is in the process of adopting and operationalizing a disaster recovery plan. It is Workleap’s objective that this disaster recovery plan be fully operational as quickly as possible.

Workleap has measures in place to ensure that ShareGate is resilient. Such measures include:

– Workleap’s infrastructure can scale depending on the load.
– Workleap’s infrastructure is redundant in the same datacenter.
– Workleap’s database server is redundant in another region.
3. Measures for ensuring the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident
If causes of outage are within Workleap’s control, its recovery time objective (RTO) is about 8 hours or less.

See measures described under section 2 above with respect to “Availability”.
4. Processes for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures in order to ensure the security of the processing
AccessAccess control: Workleap reviews accesses regularly and every time a team changes.

Vulnerability assessments: External tests are conducted continuously using a Private Bug Bounty Program. Workleap also performs annual penetration testing with a third-party auditor, and uses security testing methodologies such as SAST/DAST.

Security assessment: Workleap has several dashboards to assess its security.

Logs centralization: Workleap uses a SIEM to aggregate its logs.
5. Measures for user identification and authorisation
Workleap manages accesses to Customer Personal Information based on the role-based access control (RBAC) permissions model on a need to access basis and least privileged basis.

Workleap has a secure authentication process in place.
6. Measures for the protection of data during transmission
See section 2 above under the heading “Confidentiality”.
7. Measures for the protection of data during storage
See section 2 above under the heading “Confidentiality”.
8. Measures for ensuring physical security of locations at which personal data are processed
See section 2 above under the heading “Confidentiality”.
9. Measures for ensuring events logging
See Section 2 above under the heading “Integrity”, and Section 4.
10. Measures for ensuring system configuration, including default configuration
A formal change management process governs changes to the application, data and supporting infrastructure. Changes are managed based on their impact and follow the SDLC methodology or a fast-track process.

Workleap also relies on its Access Management Policy and Change Management Policy.
11. Measures for internal IT and IT security governance and management
Workleap relies on an extensive Security Program, including, without limitation:
– An Information Security Policy;
– An Access Management Policy
– A Security Incident Management Policy;
– A Personal Information Protection Policy;
– An Operational Security Policy; and
– A Change Management Policy.
12. Measures for certification/assurance of processes and products
Workleap’s security processes are audited annually under the SOC2 framework.
13. Measures for ensuring data minimisation
Data use and data collection is governed by Workleap’s Privacy Policy and Data Utilization Policy.

Data access is possible only in accordance with the “least privilege” principle.

Workleap’s data retention policy, anonymization processes and pseudonymization process ensure that data is only retained for as long as it is necessary for the purpose of the underlying services.
14. Measures for ensuring data quality
See section 2 above.
15. Measures for ensuring limited data retention
See Section 13 above.
16. Measures for ensuring accountability
Workleap’s security policies are under the responsibility of its Director of Security and of its Data Protection Officer.

Workleap’s Security Program clearly assigns roles and responsibilities within the organization, which are regularly audited under the SOC2 framework.
17. Measures for allowing data portability and ensuring erasure
In accordance with its Privacy Policy, Workleap has a process in place allowing Data Subjects to exercise the privacy rights, including by requesting that Workleap erase or modify personal data. Workleap has processes in place to provide Data Subjects with a copy of their personal data upon request.

Personal Information is stored in accordance with Workleap’s Personal Information Protection Policy and data retention processes. Archival copies of personal data are securely deleted in accordance with applicable data retention schedules.

SCHEDULE 4: UK International Data Transfer Addendum

Purpose. This Schedule supplements the Data Processing Addendum as incorporated by reference to the EULA to govern the international transfer of Personal Information out of the United Kingdom. By signing the EULA, the Parties agree to the terms of this Schedule. 

PART 1: Tables

Table 1 will be completed with the Parties’ details as set out in the EULA. 

TABLE 2 – Selected SCCs 
Addendum EU SCCs  The 2021 Standard Contractual Clauses, including the appendix information as set out in Section 2.4.11 of the Data Processing Addendum. 
TABLE 3 – Appendix Information 
Appendix Information” means the information which must be provided for the selected modules as set out in the Appendix of the 2021 Standard Contractual Clauses (other than the Parties), and which for this Addendum is set out in: 
Annex 1A List of Parties: As described in Section 2.2 of the Data Processing Addendum.  
Annex 1B Description of Transfer: As described in Schedule 1 of the Data Processing Addendum. 
Annex II Technical and organisational measures including technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the data: As described in Schedule 3 to the Data Processing Addendum. 
Annex III List of Sub Processors: As described in Schedule 2 to the Data Processing Addendum. 
TABLE 4 – Ending this Addendum 
Ending this Addendum when the Approved Addendum changes Which Parties may end this Addendum: Exporter and Importer 

PART 2: Mandatory Clauses

Mandatory Clauses incorporated by this express reference: Incorporation by reference of Mandatory Clauses of the Approved Addendum, being the template Addendum B.1.0 issued by the ICO and submitted to Parliament in accordance with s119A of the Data Protection Act 2018 on 2 February 2022 and approved on 21 March 2022, as amended from time under Section ‎‎18 of those Mandatory Clauses.