Accelerate Microsoft 365 migrations

Migrate faster, simpler, smarter

Get your Microsoft 365 migration project up and running fast—set up’s a breeze, super user-friendly, and you’ll beat those deadlines with high-performance data transfer deployments.

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Gartner Icon

Beat even the toughest deadlines

Schedule Icon

Get it done on time

Even big migrations can be run concurrently. Accelerate data transfer and mitigate throttling, so you can cross the finish line on time.

Manage Sprawl Icon

Manage complexity

Most migrations take longer than expected. Not with ShareGate! Steer past migration delays and stay on track.

Mapping Icon

Simplify large data sets

Break down complexity and streamline as your data grows with time in your environment.

Keep learning with free resources:

How to power concurrent migrations with ShareGate.

Distributed workloads

Ready to accelerate migrations?

With ShareGate’s unique licensing model, you can install it on multiple workstations, enabling concurrent migrations and efficient task distribution. Faster, smoother migrations for optimal project outcomes. Go team!

Migrate Faster

Increase the pipe

With multiple machines running migration loads, you automatically increase the data throughput and accelerate your migration.


Separate your migration by workloads, either by type (SharePoint, OneDrive, etc.) or by sequencing internal teams.

Distribute the work

Delegate strategy, migration tasks, security, and adoption to your organization’s SMEs to maximize change management outcomes.

straightforward migrations

Your project outcomes, ideal every time

“ShareGate is one application that actually is that damn easy. I have used many third-party tools and ShareGate is THE BEST! I never have an issue and it does exactly what it says it does. Nice work!”

Sally Lamoureux

Team Leader Support Services, Compeer Financial

Preserve And Transform

Skip the scripts

Renowned for our easy interface and guided workflows, make migration a breeze whether you love customizing or digging into scripts.

Keep it in one location

Centralized reporting and permissions streamlines discovery, administration, and post-migration tasks. No more wasting time in admin centers—get what you need fast and get back to business!

Out-of-the-box, no fuss

Download the tool, connect to your environment, and start moving in minutes! Need best practices? Run a source analysis for better decisions.

ShareGate saves Matthew at least six hours for every 20 tickets he resolves.

“ShareGate has helped us increase IT efficiency and allowed us to put more time where we are needed most. On a smaller migration, ShareGate saves me hours. On our main cloud migration, it gave me weeks back!”

Matthew Carter

IDEMIA Identity and Security North America Cloud Engineer III

Idemia Success Story
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  • Free advice and insights for your unique use case
  • Personalized walkthrough of our main features
  • Additional resources specific to your needs

Your biggest Microsoft 365 jobs, made easy

Try ShareGate free for 15 days. No credit card required.