Sharegate academy
Microsoft 365 Maturity Program
Free Assessment
Not sure where to start?
Assess how your unique Microsoft 365 environment is performing for free with our online tool. It only takes 10 minutes, and you’ll get personalized results and tips for improvement.
Increase adoption in Microsoft 365
Now that hybrid work is the new normal, ensuring your end users are using the tools you’ve paid for and secured is even more crucial. In this course, you’ll get actionable tips to boost adoption so that you can maximize your investment in Microsoft 365.
Improve security in Microsoft 365
Securing your Microsoft 365 environment isn’t as simple as locking everything down and throwing away the key. If you restrict end users too much, they’ll resort to unauthorized apps. Find out how to balance security and end user productivity, without it taking over your entire IT team’s workload.
Optimize governance in Microsoft 365
A governance strategy ensures that Microsoft 365 is used effectively to support your organization’s objectives. Get step-by-step instructions on how to create a governance strategy, tips for which stakeholders to include, how to communicate your strategy effectively, and how to implement and monitor its success.
Reduce sprawl in Microsoft 365
Microsoft’s modern workplace is all about empowering end users. But total freedom without guardrails in place can lead to your data sprawling unchecked. Left unmanaged, data sprawl can rack up storage costs, hinder productivity, and risk security. Learn how to get sprawl under control now and in the future.
Manage shadow IT in Microsoft 365
Shadow IT—meaning the apps and services employees use that haven’t been authorized by IT—is a widespread problem, negatively impacting security, costs, and collaboration. Get advice on how to mitigate shadow IT by both optimizing security and adoption.
Whether you’ve been in the Microsoft game for years or you’re new to the crew, learn how you can be the MVP of your M365 team! These free, online courses will help you increase your M365 environment’s maturity level to run more efficiently.
Free Microsoft 365 maturity assessment
What is ShareGate’s Microsoft 365 maturity assessment tool?
ShareGate’s Microsoft 365 maturity assessment tool is a free, online tool consisting of a series of questions to help you identify areas of improvement in how your Microsoft 365 environment is being managed.
Microsoft 365, the way it should be
About ShareGate
ShareGate is your go-to Microsoft 365 management solution for your big migration and your everyday Teams and SharePoint operations. It makes your biggest Microsoft 365 admin jobs easy!
Everything you need to migrate and manage your content, understand your inventory, clean up and govern your tenant, control permissions and guide users to use the right tools the right way is right at your fingertips in one simple and affordable multi-tool.