sharegate academy
Innovative learning course: Accelerate Microsoft 365 adoption
Increasing adoption in Microsoft 365 improves efficiency, productivity, and reduces the risk of security breaches. Learn how to prioritize adoption efforts to fully benefit from your M365 investment.
Course details
100% online
For IT admins, IT managers
46 minutes to complete
Offered in English
Do at your own pace!
What you’ll learn in our course to drive adoption
- The benefits of high end user adoption in Microsoft 365
- How to build a Microsoft 365 adoption strategy and set achievable, measurable goals to achieve it
- When to increase end-user support with organizational growth
- The relationship between self-service and adoption
- Key strategies to improve adoption after the deployment process of your Microsoft environment
- Policies and processes to encourage end-user compliance while taking the load off your IT department
- How to track the performance of your adoption strategy with supercharged Microsoft 365 reporting tools
Why Microsoft 365 adoption matters
Now that hybrid work is the new normal, ensuring your end users are using the tools you’ve paid for and secured is even more crucial. This helps end users collaborate effectively and work productively. If some employees are using Word and others are using Google docs, not only does that open your organization up to data security risks, but it also means that people will probably waste time trying to locate their files or duplicate work.
Successful adoption improves security and productivity. And when those tools are from the Microsoft 365 suite—which is increasingly being designed to foster easy communication, file storage and sharing, and access to information from anywhere with tools like Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online, and OneDrive—productivity increases even more.
It also means that the time and money your IT team spends maintaining and securing your cloud environment is worthwhile.
Tackling the rise of hybrid work
On top of all that, the rise of hybrid and remote work means that company culture isn’t about what snacks you offer in the kitchen or the happy hours after work. Instead, it’s about how employees engage with each other and their work online. This puts even more pressure on businesses and IT to offer a smooth, user-friendly, and fun way for employees to work and socialize, regardless of where they’re logging in from, how business needs change, or how quickly Microsoft releases new technology, new features, and updates.
The IT team has to manage and secure the organization’s cloud platform, educate end users on how to properly use Microsoft Office tools, and handle change management. In this course, you’ll get actionable tips to help you accomplish all that by boosting adoption so that you can maximize your investment in M365.
This course is part of our Microsoft 365 maturity learning program, aiming to help IT improve their M365 strategy to boost adoption and increase efficiency. This course introduces the concept of Adoption in Microsoft 365, and gives a detailed breakdown of strategies for improvement, frameworks for increasing productivity, and how to use self-service to positively impact your adoption. Each lesson is designed to help you increase your expertise.
There’s no end date to adoption because the changes keep coming through the cloud, and we have to keep communicating and encouraging people to try them out to see the benefits.
—Antje Lamartine
Microsoft MVP
Summary of the course
This course is divided into 7 modules and 11 lessons
Module 1: Welcome to the Microsoft 365 Maturity Program course on adoption (2min) |
Module 2: The importance of adoption (2 mins) |
Module 3: How to achieve better Microsoft 365 adoption (18 mins) |
Module 4: The relationship between self-service and adoption (5 mins) |
Module 5: You deployed Microsoft 365 without an adoption plan. Now what? (9 minutes) |
Module 6: Resources and tools you can use to increase Microsoft 365 adoption (7 minutes) |
Module 7: Overview: How to increase adoption in Microsoft 365 (3 mins) |
Free Assessment
Not sure where to start?
Assess how your unique Microsoft 365 environment is performing for free with our online tool. It only takes 10 minutes, and you’ll get personalized results and tips for improvement.
About ShareGate Academy
ShareGate Academy is ShareGate’s learning platform. We offer free, online courses on all kinds of Microsoft 365 topics, from security to sprawl, from Microsoft Teams, to SharePoint. ShareGate Academy is here to help IT pros expand their knowledge so they can work smarter, not harder.
We also aim to help you in a way that in turn helps your end users to be more productive. With the rise of hybrid work, IT collaboration is increasingly crucial to the employee experience and your organization’s success. The better managed your Microsoft 365 environment, the more likely your end users are to use the tools you provide them, which in turn will maximize the value of your investment in Microsoft 365.
Course contributors

Elle Crosby is the Senior Content Producer at ShareGate. For more than 3 years, Elle has been sharing IT knowledge through ShareGate blogs, eBooks, webinars, and more by demystifying Microsoft 365, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams operations.

Accompanied by Samuel Martineau, Solutions Architect at ShareGate, Samuel is presenting and spreading the importance of having a clear Microsoft 365 management strategy at conferences and in ShareGate’s Microsoft 365 Maturity Program.

The Microsoft Maturity Program is approved by Microsoft MVP and VP of Product at ShareGate, Benjamin Niaulin. Benjamin has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer since 2008, and is a Microsoft Regional Director and Office Servers and Services MVP.
Microsoft 365 Adoption course FAQ
What topics are covered in this course?
This course covers all aspects of Microsoft 365 adoption, from explaining what it is, to offering tips for building an adoption strategy, to communicating that strategy with end users, to monitoring your strategy’s performance, effectiveness and more.
It also provides concrete examples of policies, processes, and resources that can help make increasing adoption a less time-consuming and more manageable task for your IT team.
Is this course self-paced, or instructor-led?
This course is self paced, you can view the full course plan here. We know you’re busy, so you can work your way through this course in whatever timeframe works best for you. Plus, you’ll have unlimited access! So, if after completing the course you want to revisit a particular section for a refresher, you’ll always have that option.
What are the prerequisites for the course, and who is the intended audience?
No prerequisites is needed to follow this course. This course was created for anyone who works in the IT department, but especially those who are responsible for managing their organization’s M365 environment.
Whether you’ve been in the Microsoft game for years or you’re new to the crew, this free, online course will help you increase your M365 environment’s maturity level to run more efficiently.
Will the course cover specific Microsoft 365 apps, such as SharePoint or Microsoft Teams?
Throughout the course, examples of specific policies, lifecycle management strategies, security features and more are given for all kinds of Microsoft Office apps, including both SharePoint and Teams.
Will the course cover security and compliance considerations when using Microsoft 365?
Yes, ensuring security and compliance is part of why successful adoption is so important. So, this course does discuss to a degree ways to secure and protect your tenant, and avoid risks such as phishing attacks or data breaches.
However, ShareGate Academy has another course that is fully dedicated to M365 security. If you want to dive deep into security and compliance for your cloud platform, enroll in Improve security in Microsoft 365 today.
Are there any hands-on exercises included in the course?
Yes, we include exercises that will allow you to reflect on how your IT team and organization are currently handling adoption as well as prompt you to think about how you can put the advice into practice in your organization.
What support resources are available during and after the course?
Some of the support resources that are included are links to peer-reviewed studies, as well as blogs, eBooks, and webinars to help you deepen your knowledge further. There is also advice from Microsoft MVPs and relevant information and statistics to help you get a better understanding of adoption best practices.
What is the cost of the course, and are there any discounts or promotions available?
All the courses in the Microsoft 365 Maturity Program are free! Enroll now.
What other courses do you have that are similar to the Microsoft 365 adoption course?
The Microsoft 365 Maturity Program offers courses to help you master M365 governance, security, sprawl and shadow IT. You can view the full list here.
Assess your Microsoft 365 maturity for free
ShareGate’s Microsoft 365 maturity assessment tool is a free, online tool consisting of a series of questions to help you identify areas of improvement in how your Microsoft 365 environment is being managed.