Leave no best practice behind

Optimize your Microsoft 365 environment and boost adoption

From planning assessment tools to access management and ready-to-go Microsoft 365 end-user training, let’s make your migration project a total success!

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Map your moves, mitigate risks, and get everyone on board

Centralized Discovery Reporting

Analyze source

Plan and prepare your migration with a complete assessment toolset and actionable reports before moving day.

Management Tiles

Optimize security

Get the tools to knock your migration project out of the park. Security and governance best practices deployed right out of the box.

Microsoft 365 Adoption Training

Empower Microsoft 365 adoption

We’ve got ready-to-go Microsoft 365 end-user training courses to help your team soar.

Keep learning with free resources:

Get pro tips to master SharePoint migration.

Pre-migration analysis

Prepare your source for a snag-free migration

Quickly take inventory

Run the Source Analysis Report for a detailed inventory of your source environment. Discover site sizes, workflows, and what needs fixing.

Estimate the effort required

Quantify and validate your move with powerful reports while minimizing business impact.

Find it, fix it

Actionable reports and quick fixes make sure you sort out any problems ahead of time for a smooth migration.

Pre Migration Analysis

Manage change like a pro

Lead the modern workplace evolution

Whether you’re a M365 newbie or pro, ShareGate amps up efficiency beyond Microsoft native tools to secure and govern SharePoint, Teams, and OneDrive for Business.

Control oversharing

Mitigate risks by seeing all external sharing and guest access in one space. Act fast with straightforward fixes.

Manage entire content lifecycle

Provision with best practices right from the start. Managing Teams and SharePoint workspaces from creation to sunset has never been easier.

Prepare for AI

Improve searchability with your metadata, manage permissions for the right access, and speed up optimizations before the AI takeover!

Manage Digital Workspaces

Engage end users

Create great Microsoft 365 learning experiences, fast

Ready-to-go training

Roll out over 10 hours of training content to your colleagues. Get courses on Microsoft 365 from beginner to advanced.

Interactive engagement

ShareGate’s training engages Microsoft 365 users with interactive modules and quizzes.

Real-time progress monitoring

See enrollment, progressions, and completions. Let the higher-ups see people’s learning journey is in high gear.

Measurable Adoption Training

ShareGate saves Matthew at least six hours for every 20 tickets he resolves.

“ShareGate has helped us increase IT efficiency and allowed us to put more time where we are needed most. On a smaller migration, ShareGate saves me hours. On our main cloud migration, it gave me weeks back!”

Matthew Carter

IDEMIA Identity and Security North America Cloud Engineer III

Idemia Success Story
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  • Free advice and insights for your unique use case
  • Personalized walkthrough of our main features
  • Additional resources specific to your needs

Your biggest Microsoft 365 jobs, made easy

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