New in ShareGate: an instant view of your meeting recordings in Microsoft Teams

New In Sharegate Meetings Recordings Featured

No more jumping between teams or scrolling down channels looking for meeting recordings. Now, the ShareGate end-user app has all the links in one place, easily findable, whenever you need them. Read all about it!

Sometimes, it feels like IT and end users will never understand each other. While employees want the autonomy and freedom to do things themselves, IT admins set up limits and guardrails in the name of governance and security. When will they ever agree on something? 

Well, we at ShareGate believe strongly in bringing together the needs of both end users and IT—and this is how we’re building the next-generation digital workspace management. One big step toward this reality was the launch of our end-user app, where employees are able to create and manage teams from the templates created by IT. All with the proper guardrails, of course. 

Now, we’re introducing a new feature in our end-user app that addresses a pain point for many Microsoft 365 users: finding their meeting recordings. In this article, you’ll learn how the ShareGate end-user app will help you with that and what’s in store for the near future. 

How do you find meeting recordings in Microsoft Teams right now? 

We all know how Microsoft Teams is capable of boosting collaboration and productivity in any organization. But let’s admit it: if you try and do some specific things with its tools, it can get complicated—and one of them is finding meeting recordings in Microsoft Teams. 

These recordings are immensely useful and popular, enabling attendees to go back and watch previously attended meetings, or, if they were absent from them for any reason, check out what they missed. Finding them in Teams, however, can be a headache for end users. Here’s why: 

  • No centralization—Microsoft Teams doesn’t have one single space for end users to easily access all meetings they hosted or were invited to. They have to remember the exact team and channel where the meeting occurred and browse the recording. 
  • Lost in the crowd—Finding recording links in the chat can be extremely hard, even if you locate the right channel. As recordings become part of the message history, you can spend a long time trying to handpick them among all the exchanges between members. 
  • Hard to change dates—End users might need to change a recording’s expiration date so all stakeholders can access it at their convenience. However, they must first find the meeting recording, which gets confusing because of the above points. 

So, imagine someone coming back from a three-week vacation and needing to catch up on all the meetings they’ve missed. Or, maybe this person wants to go back to any departmental meetings that discussed company goals and OKRs during the year to see how their team is performing in regard to them. Feeling the pain already? 

In the end, this findability issue—which happens in other Microsoft 365 tools too—can result in annoyance, a sense of wasted time, and hampered productivity. 

Introducing ShareGate’s Meeting Recordings View  

To make things easier for users in need of better findability in Teams, we’re launching the Meeting Recordings View feature on the ShareGate end-user app. This is one centralized place where everyone in the organization, including end users and IT, can easily access past meetings’ recording links.

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To access it, just go to the top menu on the ShareGate end-user app and click on “Home.” The “Meeting recordings” button will show up right there: click it, and you’ll see all recordings in your organization, regardless of what team or channel they originally took place at. 

The Meeting Recordings View feature allows you to browse for a meeting and filter results in a custom date range, adding even more customization and granularity to what you’re looking for. So, if you’re coming back from a three-week vacation as we mentioned earlier, you’ll have a much easier job browsing and watching the most important meetings that were held while you were away. 

Now, one very important aspect to note in this new feature: for existing users, the global IT admin needs to provide consent for the recording meetings view to work. 

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Coming up next at the ShareGate end-user app 

Apart from making out-of-calendar meetings available, we’ll be adding other functionalities to Meeting Recording View in the near future, such as more filters—giving users even more visibility into their recordings—and managing expiration dates right on the app. 

Also, you’ll soon be able to see all the SharePoint sites you own and are a member of directly within the end-user app. So, stay tuned for more ShareGate innovations! 

Share your feedback!

In order to build the best possible experience for IT admins and users, your feedback is crucial. Feel free to leave your comments and suggestions on our Product Board: they mean a lot to us! Or, if you want to discuss more, just schedule a call with our Product Manager. 

Building the next-generation digital workspace experience 

We love Microsoft 365. At ShareGate, we have front-row seats to the transformation it can bring to organizations everywhere. And as for Microsoft Teams, its potential for boosting engagement, collaboration, and productivity is something no one can deny. 

To make that promise become a reality, we’re constantly prioritizing the needs of employees and IT teams. This is the path to address users’ difficulties with Microsoft 365 and improve their experience. This is how we’re helping transform the digital workplace for the better. 

Want to see how we’re shaping the next-generation digital workspace experience? Install our end-user app and try out this new feature—and all the others we have to offer! 

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