New in ShareGate: Ensure every Microsoft 365 Group has an owner

Image of turquoise background with illustrated Teams icons and clouds

In this release, we’ve added a feature to help you keep tabs on Microsoft 365 Group owners; more specifically, we’ve made it easy to ensure each group has one.

Successfully adopting Microsoft’s modern workplace requires a bit of balance.

Providing users with more freedom around the way they do work helps boost user adoption; but as an IT admin, you want oversight across the entire lifecycle of each Microsoft Team or Microsoft 365 Group.

ShareGate is pleased to introduce: Orphaned Groups

With ShareGate, we want to help you implement new Microsoft concepts—like Teams, Groups, and modern SharePoint team sites—while maintaining a healthy Microsoft 365 environment. And group owners play a key role in the success of that mission.

The release of Orphaned Groups ensures that each group in your tenant has someone with the right set of permissions to moderate it. That way, group owners can work with you to keep your Microsoft 365 environment healthy, compliant, and secure—collaboratively.

View a list of ownerless groups within Microsoft 365

ShareGate lets you know automatically when one of your Microsoft 365 Groups no longer has any valid owners. In other words, it lets you know the moment a group becomes an orphaned group.

ShareGate's Assistant shows you a list of ownerless groups
The Assistant generates a list of ownerless groups.

From the Groups page, you can see a list of all your Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 Groups—each one with a status showing whether or not it has a valid owner.

See all your groups in one place, along with the owner status of each
See which groups have valid owners.

Automate promotion of Microsoft 365 group owners

Instead of blindly choosing which member to promote, make an informed decision based on a group’s recent membership and activity.

Conveniently with ShareGate, you can create a Microsoft 365 group effortlessly and directly from a centralized interface, promoting productivity in a swift and user-friendly manner.

See who the last owner was

Get a bit of context. We show you who the last group owner was, helping you understand how the group ended up orphaned, and making it easier to choose which member to promote next.

See who the last valid owner was
See the last valid owner.

View a list of suggested members based on recent activity

See which users have been most active in any of a group’s associated products.

We’ll recommend a list of members to promote to owner based on their recent activity, making it easier for you to make a knowledgable decision.

See a list of recommended members to promote
View a list of smart recommendations.

Edit membership status of any individual

With just a click of the mouse, promote a user from group member to group owner. Or do the opposite, and demote an existing group owner.

That way, you always have control over every Microsoft 365 Group in your organization.

Promote a user to owner
Promote a member to owner…
Demote an owner to a user
…or demote an owner to member.

Monitor changes to group membership over time

In your tenant Activity tab, you can view membership changes over time. Keep track of who was recently added to a group and when, as well as changes to membership status—be it owner, member, or guest.

That way, you can maintain better visibility across the entire lifecycle of the group—from provisioning, all the way through to archival.

See changes to group membership in Activity tab
The Activity tab shows group membership changes.

Automating governance for Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams

We’ve spent a lot of time crafting the best possible experience to guide you through this new Microsoft 365 cloud world and all of its accompanying challenges.

Now, you can see group activity across your tenant—and automatically discover what needs your attention—all in one place, helping you set policies and take action in just a few clicks.

Before the end of the year, our team is working hard to bring you:

  • Custom storage for archiving inactive Microsoft 365 Groups
  • An easy way to keep track of content that’s been shared externally

Some other top-of-mind things further on the horizon:

  • Helping you set and maintain an Microsoft 365 Groups owner minimum
  • Finding a solution to the question of “Provisioning” without an approval flow
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