2022 Round up: Top Microsoft migration articles

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Whether you’re faced with a merger or migrating your existing data from on-prem to the cloud, migrations can be daunting. The following five blogs will help ensure your migration is a success with best practices and step-by-step guidelines for planning and executing your migration.

We rounded up the articles for our all core topics, make sure to check them all out: top reporting articles, top management articles, top security articles, and top user stories.

1. 2 ways to migrate Microsoft Teams from one tenant to another

There are two approaches you can take when migrating Microsoft Teams from one tenant to another. First, you can perform a manual migration with the step-by-step instructions laid out in this blog. To save time, you may go with option number 2, which uses ShareGate’s dedicated migration feature to simplify the process in just a few clicks. 

Read the full article here.

2. How to migrate OneDrive from one tenant to another

Mergers and acquisitions often come with the challenges of migrating OneDrive for Business from one tenant to another. ShareGate simplifies the process with recommendations for how to plan and execute your migration, and features like batch and off-hours migrations to ensure your tenant-to-tenant migration’s success.

Read the full article here.

3. Choosing a Microsoft Teams migration tool: SPMT vs. ShareGate

Microsoft’s free SharePoint Migration Tool (SPMT) is designed to help you migrate data from SharePoint Server and file servers to SharePoint and OneDrive in Microsoft 365, but it can’t help you migrate from one tenant to another. ShareGate’s Teams migration tool helps you perform any kind of migration, including on-premise content to Microsoft Teams, teams from one tenant to another, public and private channels between tenants and teams, and more.

Read the full article here.

4. Crucial questions to ask before a SharePoint Online migration

Ensuring the success of your SharePoint Online migration requires more than great tools. An effective migration strategy involves preparation and planning, including asking critical questions such as: Do I have a governance strategy in place? Am I migrating content, functionality or both? Also, what state is my current SharePoint content in?

Read the full article here.

5. How to build a SharePoint migration plan

The best way to achieve a successful SharePoint migration is to create a SharePoint plan and roadmap that fits your organization’s needs. First create a migration plan template that clearly defines your migration goals, which includes identifying the content you will remove, migrate and rebuild. From there, you can begin creating your SharePoint migration plan and identify the people who will be responsible for each part of the plan, as well as those who will be impacted.

Read the full article here.

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