ShareGate product update: May 2021

Changelog Mai2021 Featured

Wondering what’s changed in your ShareGate apps this month? You’ve come to the right place, here’s your May 2021 update.

Welcome to ChangeLog, our monthly series where members of the ShareGate Product Marketing team recap recent updates and changes to ShareGate and ShareGate to help you make the most out of your ShareGate software.

Table of contents

What’s new:

  • New monthly emails giving you better visibility on what goes on in your tenant with ShareGate
  • Easily manage your teams separately from Microsoft 365 groups
  • Choose how you want to contact owners of inactive teams at your first entrust
  • Other changes and improvements

Coming soon …

What’s new

In May, we launched our monthly governance digest in ShareGate, an email that gives you more visibility on what really goes on in your tenant throughout time. We also made it easier to view and filter information specific to your teams apart from your Microsoft 365 groups within ShareGate. Lastly, we shipped the second part of the two-part initiative that lets you choose how you want to contact owners of inactive teams and groups.

New monthly emails giving you better visibility on what goes on in your tenant with ShareGate

You will now start receiving monthly emails directly from the ShareGate app that shows the two most pressing Teams-related issues taking place in your tenant. That way, you’re prompted to act before they escalate.

For example, there might have been a significant increase in the number of teams that have turned inactive or there may have been a surge in teams without a sensitivity tag in the last 30 days. Either issue, if not dealt with, can become problematic for your organization. Inactive teams create clutter and teams without a sensitivity tag probably don’t have the appropriate security settings that help ensure that sensitive information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

ShareGate monthly governance digest
An example of the monthly governance digest you will be receiving.

Having this additional visibility delivered straight into your inbox helps you stay on top of what goes on in your tenant, so you can take the necessary measures to keep it safe and secure.

Not only will this automated governance digest identify the problems you should pay attention to and hopefully resolve, but it will also provide you with collaborative governance tips so you can sort out issues with the people that hold the answers you need; team owners.

To learn more about the monthly digest, check out our documentation.

Easily manage your teams separately from Microsoft 365 groups

You can now easily filter and manage your teams separately from your groups, directly from ShareGate’s Manage tab. That way, you can easily see Teams-specific usage in your tenant and get a better sense of how your users have been using the app.

By filtering your tenant by teams, you’re also shown the specific Teams-related issues that need your immediate attention.

Filter your tenant by teams or groups.

Read this article to learn more about the difference between teams and groups.

Choose how you want to contact owners of inactive teams at your first entrust 

Last month, we released the first part of a two-part initiative that allows you to choose whether you want to contact owners of inactive teams and groups via email or ShareGate’s Teams chatbot.

Previously, this option was only available from the Settings page. Now, when you entrust your first team or group to its owner(s) for the Inactive detection policy, you’ll also be able to select your preferred method of communication: ShareGate’s Teams chatbot or email.

This means that once you’ve decided to collaborate with owners to decide on what to do with their inactive teams, you’ll have the choice to either bring the issue to the forefront of their minds via Microsoft Teams or directly in their inbox.

Choose whether you want to contact users via ShareGate’s Teams chatbot or email

Read the release blog article for more information on how this feature works.

Other changes and improvements

Here are some other notable improvements and bug fixes for May. Check out the release notes in our ShareGate support documentation for the full list:

  • ShareGate:
  • ShareGate:
    • You can now see the details of your teams’ public and private channels directly on each individual team’s details screen. Read the release notes.
    • There is no longer a limit to the daily number of notifications sent to a specific tenant by the app (it used to be a limit of 100).

What’s coming up next? 

Our product team is going full steam ahead with more new features and improvements based on our users’ needs and requests. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s coming up next on the product roadmap!

Review guest access with ShareGate

A popular demand that we are currently working on is the ability for you to review guest users in Teams. You’ll soon be able to remove guests that should no longer be part of a team or group, and we’re taking it one step further by making it easy for you to schedule periodic reviews. This means owners will automatically be contacted to review their own teams’ or groups’ guests, on your behalf. Alongside our current external sharing reviews feature, this will help you make sure that important information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

Watch Microsoft MVP Jasper Oosterveld’s 3-part masterclass on demand

Missed our live masterclass on how to create a dream Teams? No worries! You can still get actionable advice on how to manage your Microsoft teams across the entire lifecycle, from creation to sunset by watching it here.

Learn how to make the most out of ShareGate with weekly webinars

Our Customer Success team is hosting weekly webinars covering different topics that can help you make the most out of ShareGate. We’ll share tricks to maintain a clutter-free tenant, best practices when it comes to keeping Teams organized and secure, and tips you can implement on a day-to-day basis to keep things in check.

Learn more about our upcoming webinars and sign up for the next one here.

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