Bundle up and get cozy for this month’s ChangeLog as we go over what’s changed in your ShareGate Apps in October 2021.
Welcome to another product ChangeLog, our monthly series where the ShareGate Product Marketing team recaps recent updates and changes to ShareGate and ShareGate, helping you make the most out of your ShareGate software.
What’s new
This month’s recap is short and sweet! We’ve improved the overall guest review experience in ShareGate by adding filtering options that help you better identify guests in your tenant. We’ve also made it easier for you to add new teams and groups to have their guests and external shared links reviewed by respective owners, on a recurring basis.
Easily identify teams and groups with guests, and better manage their access with ShareGate
In order to give you more visibility on the guests within your tenant, we’ve updated the Manage page with new filters. These advanced filters make it easier for you to identify teams and groups with guests as well as those without guests, and whether they are included in the upcoming external sharing review.

This complements the guest review feature introduced in August, which meant that when you ask owners to complete an external sharing review, they’re also asked to review their guests, revoking access from those who no longer need it.
We’ve also reviewed the Teams with guests or shared links filter tile, located at the top of the Manage page. It now shows you all your teams with guests or shared links that haven’t been reviewed. Get a better understanding of how users use their teams by sorting them according to the number of externally shared links or guests they have, in ascending or descending order.

We’ve also made it simpler for you to add teams and groups to the next external sharing review. All you have to do is select the team or group, either individually or in bulk, choose “Add to review”, and voilà! The owners of these teams and groups will automatically be contacted, on a basis you’ve set, to review their guests and externally shared links.

You’ll be able to see a summary of how external reviews are coming along on the dedicated “External sharing” dashboard from the Dashboard page.
If you’ve recently started using ShareGate and wish to make use of the guest review feature, you must first set up your External sharing review policy. From the Settings page, toggle on the policy, set a start date and a recurrence of review. Then you can go back to the Manage page to add the teams or groups you want to your next review. By collaborating with owners to keep your tenant safe, you can rest assured that data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
For more information on how the overall guest review works, refer to our release blog and support documentation.
Other changes and improvements
Here are some other notable improvements and bug fixes for October. Check out the release notes in our ShareGate support documentation for the full list:
- ShareGate:
- Please note that as of mid-November 2021, our 2003/2007 servers will be decommissioned. As such, migrations for these versions will still be possible, but with limited support from our support team.
- [Patch 15.1.4]: We fixed an issue where dependencies such as site columns and SharePoint groups may copy to the root site instead of the intended destination site during a Copy structure and content migration.
- ShareGate: We’ve now removed the concept of entrusting team and group owners for the external sharing review policy, which means that owners do not need to be entrusted to take action on this policy. Read the release notes for more.
Coming soon
We’re always working hard on new features and improvements based on our users’ needs and requests. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming up next on the product roadmap:
Migrate Teams incrementally via PowerShell with ShareGate
Our Product team is currently working to improve our Teams migration offering. We’ve received great feedback for our incremental Teams migration, part of ShareGate 15.0. In order to help you save more time, and allow for even larger incremental migrations, you’ll soon be able to migrate Teams incrementally via PowerShell. This means that no matter the size of your migration or the channels, you’ll be able to migrate only what’s changed since your last Teams migration exactly where it needs to be, even if it’s in an existing team. Make sure nothing gets left behind with this new feature!
Free webinar: Level up your Microsoft Teams end-user training with Microsoft MVP Andy Huneycutt
On Wednesday October 13th, we sat down with Microsoft MVP and training specialist Andy Huneycutt to discuss how you can train your people to use Teams better. He showed how he built an enterprise-level training platform that leverages the full power of Microsoft 365 and how you could do the same!
If you’re looking to improve your users’ use of Microsoft Teams, but missed the live, watch it on demand!